CREDIT: Unsplash

Gautam Buddha's Inspirational Quotes

By Sanjay Yadav

CREDIT: Unsplash

Peace within, not without

By Sanjay Yadav

CREDIT: Unsplash

Happiness: the journey, not the goal.

By Sanjay Yadav

CREDIT: Unsplash

Mind is key. Thoughts shape you.

By Sanjay Yadav

CREDIT: Unsplash

Share joy, it multiplies.

By Sanjay Yadav

CREDIT: Unsplash

Anger hurts you more than others.

By Sanjay Yadav

CREDIT: Unsplash

Control your mind, find happiness.

By Sanjay Yadav

CREDIT: Unsplash

Thoughts create your world.

By Sanjay Yadav

CREDIT: Unsplash

Live in the present moment.

By Sanjay Yadav

CREDIT: Unsplash

Travel well, not just arrive.

By Sanjay Yadav

CREDIT: Unsplash

Attachment is the root of suffering.

By Sanjay Yadav